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A creative, positive mindset

Design Thinking needs open, optimistic participants who want to rethink and develop solutions together. A mindset, according to the motto: 'ask for forgiveness, not for permission', which gets by without concrete instructions and blueprints. The most important aspects of the Design Thinking mindset are empathy, the ability to engage in ambiguity and to see failure as an opportunity.

Design Thinking principles

  • show, don't tell - communicate your vision in an impactful way, using visuals and telling good stories
  • focus on human values - empathy for the people you are designing for and

  • feedback from these users is fundamental to good design
  • embrace experimentation - build to think and learn
  • craft clarity - produce a coherent vision out of messy problems, frame it in a way to inspire others
  • bias towards action - bias toward doing and making over thinking and meeting
  • be mindful of process - know where you are in the process, what methods to use and what your goals are
  • radical collaboration - bring together innovators with varied backgrounds and viewpoints - enable breakthrough insights to emerge from the diversity